Public speaking is most likely to make a big difference to everyone’s life in any society. Many successful leaders and representative of the organizations around the world are capable of appearing and speaking in the public effectively. If you would be able to communicate and express yourself confidently in front of the public, you’ve done almost the half way of impressing the other person. "It is vital to be able to communicate with others. It adds at least 50% to your value,” Warren Buffett, the world's richest man, said in one
BBC Interview in 2009.
Public speaking will change your personality into a more communicative person. Since in this world today social network has become one of the key factors to success, you should be able to involve yourself in a wider society and make connections through communication. In order to so, you’ll need confidence so that you can express yourself better to others and ensure that they will not misinterpret your speech. It will help bridge gaps in understanding, cooperation and set goals and objectives. So in this aspect, public speaking would improve your life by gaining more opportunity for your career.
Moreover, your public speaking skill is one of the main factors which quantify your capability in any kind of work. Since almost all careers involve a lot of talking and negotiation, it would be impressive if you can speak convincingly to the other party. It could save time, money, and most importantly, strengthen trust and reliability. "Your careers will be determined largely by how well you speak, by how well you write, and by the quality of your ideas… in that order," MIT Professor Patrick Henry Winston once mentioned. Since the first step of communication is conveyed through speech, the impression you imposed on your listener tells them a bit about what type of a person you are.
By appearing in public effectively, you will be able to make a difference in your business, community and perhaps even the world. By sharing your information with others, you're better able to increase the impact of your hopes, dreams, desires and goals for your life and the world around you. Once you can speak diplomatically, there will be more supporter and fans around you. And they could perform as part of the bridge to your goals.
Poor public speaking skill may be one of the reasons why a lot of ideas by some of the most intelligent scientists are only discovered many years after their death. One of the possible reasons is that although they are highly intelligent and have written very useful information, they just cannot seem to put through to people what they are thinking about due to their lack of ability to communicate to a large group of people using public speaking techniques. In other words, no matter how professional you could be in your field of work, unless you know how to convey the correct information into your community, you will not be regarded as professional.
So, all in all, I think public speaking is a medium of effective communication and it is inevitable that everyone of us should obtain this skill at one stage in our life in order to walk more comfortably to our destiny.